BlowHard On Politics

Monday, September 05, 2005

In 30-plus years as a registered voter, I have never voted for anyone that was not a Republican when there was a Republican to vote for. Now I am just sorry that my first anti-republican vote cannot be an anti-Bush vote.

It was already all that I could do to vote for him the second time around. His lousy, unproductive war on terror was already hard to take. But the contest seemed to be between a traitor and a political (if not military) coward. We chose the coward who has also become a traitor, selling out our security for cheap foreign labor, selling our young men and women's lives for big corporate profits, selling out our poor and elderly to give a few friends and cronies jobs they just aren't qualified for.

From 1972, the first presidential election that I actively worked in, until now, I have always been enthusiastically supportive of the Republican candidate or, when they've won, the Republican president.

George W. Bush has changed that. I can't say that I will never vote for a Republican again but I guarantee you I will never vote for anyone from the Bush camp. Well, I might vote for Condaleeza Rice. But if she's smart, she'd wait a few years before running so she isn't running in the shadow of that black cloud left behind by George W. Bush.

Friday, September 02, 2005

BlowHard On Katrina

See my new BlowHard On Katrina blog for my opinions (the facts) about the handling of this tragic disaster.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Impeach Everyone!

I don't know what to add to what we've all heard and seen from Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.

I will say that, for the first time in my knowledge, MSNBC is leading the real coverage. Fox News, CNN, and the networks are all white-washing the whole disaster.

The disaster, by the way, is not the hurricane; it's the lack of response by our government at all levels. No one would/could make a decision and now no one will point a finger. Just like in business, let's all get along. That counts more than results. We fed the survivors of the tsunami, all the way around the world, faster than this. Shame on our government. Bravo MSNBC for challenging the government's response.

So... Impeach everyone? How? Republicans will almost always vote Republican and Democrats almost always vote Democrat in the election. That's why we never throw out incumbents. Well, keep this in mind next election (and every election afterwards). The opportunity to throw out a politician is in the primary elections. By the time the national elections come around it is too late. But in the primary, you can vote for your party and still vote against the incumbent. And every incumbent in this country needs to be thrown out for this one.

But then, they all need thrown out every election just to keep them honest. Even honest politicians almost always succumb to the temptations after two or three terms in Washington. That's why I always vote against the incumbent in the primary election, no matter who they are. You should too.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Death & Taxes

While I was e-filing my 2004 taxes today I spent some time, as most of us probably do, thinking about where our taxes go. We've all heard the stories of millions of dollars in pork spread around by our Congress, and it makes no difference if they're Democrat, Republican, or Independent. But what about the biggest pork program in the history of the world: The War on Terror.

We know that Bush has no interest at all in protecting us, our borders, or our troops in Iraq or Afghanistan. This has all turned into a huge money-maker for Halliburton.

So I have an idea for tax relief. Why doesn't Halliburton fund the War on Terror? They're reaping all the profits, let them at least make the investment!

Alternatively, we could cancel the War on Terror, bring our soldiers and sailors home alive, and just write checks to Halliburton in the amount of the windfall profits they're currently making. We'd be just as safe as we are today, probably spend much less tax money on the effort, and our children would be alive.